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Best of Show du salon Hifi de Munich 2023

best of show salon hifi munich 2023

Best of Show du salon Hifi de Munich 2023

Comme tous les ans, les reviewers décernent l’Award Best of Show, le premier reviewer (Audiophilestyle) vient d’élire son écoute préférée:

Le Best of Show du salon Hifi de Munich 2023 est décerné à la salle APL (Atrium 4.2, E223) !

Et c’est un vrai plaisir pour nous car cette salle est sourcée par le nouvel APL DAC GR et le streamer APL, une écoute que nous connaissons vraiment bien, avec cette sensation très « Analog ».
Quand on rentrait dans cette pièce, on entendait immédiatement ce vrai touché organique… Sublime. Le seul petit défaut à nos oreilles était le grave à notre goût pas assez rapide (couplage VAC / grosse charge de la Kroma)


Le DAC DSD GR APL était connecté au streamer DNP SR SE et au switch ANS MR (nouveauté de la marque !). Les enceintes Kroma étaient branchées aux ampli/préampli VAC.

Première apparition du DAC APL GR au public en salon International, et tout de suite LA récompense !


Ce qu’écrit le reviewer :

Best of Show

My award for best of show easily goes to the Ibex Audio room featuring APL HiFi, Kroma Atelier, VAC, Artesania Audio, and Ikigai Audio. This room created had emotional musical impact than any other room I can ever remember at any audio show. The sound wasn’t just good for an audio show, it was unequivocally fantastic, no matter the venue. As soon as I hit play on Lady Blackbird’s Five Feet Tall, I immediately felt the emotion in her singing and in my chest. It was like this system created an emotional human connection between the music and the listener.




Eric Clapton’s Bell Bottom Blues from The Lady in the Balcony album was presented so well on this system that I, and the person sitting next to me, felt like we were sitting in the Cowdry House English estate where the album as recorded. The music was presented as a complete picture into the venue, without a single element standing out from the cohesive whole.

As I played Shostakovich Symphony No. 1 or Mussorgsky A Nigh on the Bare Mountain, the entire symphony orchestra washed over me at times and at other times lone string sections tugged at my heart strings as part of the emotional rollercoaster of the orchestra pieces. It’s rare to experience pieces of music like this and to feel the emotional impact of them at an audio show. Usually something gets between the listener and the music. Not in this case, there was no boundary or anything to separate me from the music. I could feel it emotionally as much as I could hear it audibly.

Finishing my listening session in this room, I really went for it. I played a track that can only be played at the very end of a listening session. Similar to how bands never wanted Rage Against The Machine as their opening, it’s tough to follow The Raconteurs’ title track from the Consoler of the Lonely album. Especially when I have control of the volume.

I cranked it up and let the kick drum hit me in the chest. Jack White’s dirty guitar sounded like it was coming straight from his amp, rather than through a high end audio system. It was in my face, just as it should be! My feet were tapping and my head was bobbing during this track, and I could see some others in the room were also getting into it in their own way. This isn’t a typical audiophile standard at audio shows, but I think even the traditionalists enjoyed it.

A big tip of the cap to everyone involved in this room. Yes, the manufacturers whose components were used played a large role, but rooms like this don’t come together without a team effort by many unnamed folks. Well done.


Il parle de véritable émotion…. de connexion entre l’auditeur et la musique…

Venez vivre cette émotion musicale, nous avons le DAC GR en écoute permanente !


Nos photographies de la salle et des machines :

apl kroma vac ikigai artesania hifi munich 2023


Les deux APL (à écouter absolument…) :

APL DSD GR et DNP SR SE salon hifi munich 2023


La nouveauté ANS-MR par APL :

 APL artesania salon hifi munich 2023


Dans le prochain article nous vous présenterons notre compte rendu du salon, avec les photos, les comptes rendu d’écoutes etc…

Une réponse sur “Best of Show du salon Hifi de Munich 2023

  1. Patrice Albert dit :

    Bravo Patrice et Alex deux pionniers du vrai son analogique devenu rare ces jours.

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