Wilson Audio Yvette chez Stereophile
La Wilson Audio Yvette vient de passer en revue chez Stéreophile.
L’article est aussi très intéressant pour nos lecteurs les plus techniques, car vous trouverez un ensemble de courbes de mesures.
Deux conclusions sur Stéreophile:
« The Yvettes excelled at every audiophile criterion I could think of. Again and again, I tried to describe them in terms of such things as detail, transparency, and focus, but finally realized that no combination of those qualities could describe what a pair of Yvettes could actually do: push back the line that separates recorded and live music. «
« Overall, the Yvette offers good measured performance. I’m still astonished by how close its in-room response is to that of the Alexia 2—which costs more than twice as much. »
John Atkinson
Le Banc d’essai complet est accessible ici.